Narrow-mindedness in religion
Wat do u understand by tis words?
K wat do u understand by the word not narrow minded?
Tink out of the box?
Find other solution to solve somthing?
Consider new ideas?
Narrowminded in the dic says : they are unwilling to consider new ideas or other people's opinions.
How about following the trend these days when trying to outreach to younger ppl
It falls in rite?
"lets ladies solat side by side with a non muhrim man in jemaah"
"lets drink wine in mosque"
"lets give chance for ladies to azan pad masjid"
So does these examples fall in the meaning of narrowmindedness?u are narrow minded because u didnt open urself to new ideas.THIS will come from people who only use their hukum their defence, they will say "islam is a free religion".
Y cant u accept this "creative" idea? u would says must follow the teaching of the religion too.the basic hukum hakam u must know too.we serve God.
The question now is who do you serve? Satan? Your Ego? or God? serving the first two shackles you, traps you and shuts you off in a pithole, whereas serving God earns you His Divine Grace and Favour. People often say that the liberated person is he who is free to do as he wills, even if it is a sin. In reality, they are ENSLAVED by their own nafs.
So before u execute new ideas,ask urself, are u following ur nafs?are u making islam follow wat u tink?another words, u follow islam or u want islam to follow u? are u trying to sound good even if its wrong?islam have laid us guidiance,we can be creative in following it as long as we dont go out of the teaching.
In islam, we discourage narrowmindedness because it made us weak in times.we strongly encourage open mind, creative, forward looking, all that.but from all these, we still cant bypass the basics stuff in islam.
Lets see some eg of narrowmindnedness
U cant act, because acting is a form of lying
Women cant drive car
No music, singing
Cannot watch tv
Cannot give flower
Cannot clap hands
Cannot write novel
Cannot write with left hand
Cannot celebrate birthday
Y ni sume takle?
the list will go on.all these is because u follow the non beleiver way.
Everyting here if we do, CAN or CANNOT go against our teaching, these can or cannot relies more on HOW U DO THESE THINGS.
Take music as an example. can we listen to music?common question. or can women sings? lets talk abt music 1st, music tat makes u remember GOD more, is permissible, even music tat able to release u from stress is acceptable, and even to these if these musics lead u to lalai and not to solat,it became unacceptable, music that contains alot of vulgarity and insults and melalaikan and seumpama ngan dia is not permissible, likewise for women who sings, in phrophet time pun a women sang for him when she so happy to meet him when he return.
In islam, NOT EVERYTHING can be judge by hukum akal, if judge tat way, then like wat i said above, are u serving GOD or not?
To end this, asking the muslim, what ur pendapat abt having newspaper yg ada gambar2 women tk tutup aurat pad masjid?and we take and read it in the mosque(be/not in the musollah). and this may lead to gossips, even if not, with tat available, it brings u a step closer to sins..this entry is of support to my last entry, which target more on choice. when talk abt choice, it goes back to are u following Satan? Your Ego? or God?