Saturday, December 1, 2007


Looking straight to where i will put my forehead in a few moment's time, i start to ponder, wats the first ting i said b4 i entered the solat.

"Allaahuakbar". thinking deeply on wat it means.God the Great. Standing still, trying to interprete wats does Greatness means?

He is the strongest,

He is the most powerfull,

He doesnt need me.

He can do wat ever He wants and wishes.

He relies on no one,

He stand alone,

He can punish me on that very instant,


He dont need my prayers to make Him stronger or better or greater.

So, what am i doing here(solating)? Yes it compulsory for every Muslim to perform the 5 prayers each day. what? 5 prayers? ONLY 5 prayers? y 5? Dont u tink tats too little? we should be performing every sec of our life. because we are His servants. How do servants suppose to behave?

k, let say, i said "im ur servant from 8-5". tat means i have to obey everything u said in tat period of time, rite? servant in ppl's contex, is that the servant do things tat benefits the master(master's wishes), do we do things tat benefits God?

If we be the most evil person in this world, it will not make any difficulty to Him nor if we be the most pious person in this world, it will not benefit Him. so, do u tink of who u are?

Put aside that whole thing for a while.let us look at some of the benefit of solat.

It neutralize ur negative charges in the body, the more solat u do,ikhlasly and kusyukly, it will covers ur soul with positive charges. when u put ur forhead to the ground, it supplies blood to that area and make u feel calmer. and if we notice carefully, wat we said in the prayers is doa, for ourself.

So, am i praying becos of god make it compulsary?........ or i need the prayers, FOR MYSELF, and not for Him, look at how much he love us, He dunt need our solat, we need His help,

Think again, so much thing that he told us not to do, but we do, and he give punishment if we do it, why he punish me for my own good, and make ting compulsory for my own good. A mother can only do that if she is close with us, But now He is with us day and night, without sleep, u want anything, go straight to Him, BECAUSE He knows ur destiny more then anyone else. y go to someone else where u have the best planner with u.. He is the Lord, Lord of the world. who have the power to harm u, but He choose to show His affection to us in Mashallah super large quantity and quality.

Every sec of my life ive been neglecting the command of my lord, and he choose to give me time to repent other then to punish me on the spot, EVEN IN THE PRAYERS I FAILED TO CONCENTRATE, yet he didnt punish me at that very instant.Bare in mind, He is the most powerfull,The Strongest. y is God so kindhearted?

He gives me time and guide me every sec of my life, he helps me choose proper food for my consumption so i can be healthy, he pushed me to be better every sec, and i failed to notice that. somtime when i began to forget him, he gave me some "knock" eg realizing an extra penny given by the store owner, to me say, eh i forget him. he make me remember him when i forget Him, the remembrance is for me too... so every sec of my life is in contact with the best planner who already plans my entire life. He can change my life,He knows wat will happen 1 min or a sec later... He determines weather U R ABLE TO FINISH READING tis sentence or not.. u decide.

Supposingly, i shud be kicked, wacked, thrown from great height, bashed, burned for my entire life because i forgets Him every sec in my life. even in solat, wat i concern is just abt my worldly stuff.ignorantly and obliviously dunt bother to care who am i facing to, where am i standing at, this is His creation. He owns this place, the place wher i am standng at. the body parts i used to perform my standing position on the praying mat..the views and the sight im looking at on the praying mat its all His.

Even the action of praying its not from me. He allows me to perform the prayers without dificulty, and sometime i just unable to say anithing when i started to think that He rewards us with eternal life in paradise when we do our solats to Him. again, i cant do any prayers, everything is under His command. and the prayers is for MYSELF,

So to put it out, He helps me perform solat,for myself. helps me to reflect on who i am in tis world, whose my body parts belongs i can reflect beter so He can be with me every sec. He helps me to have good charecter towards other creations.

He dunt want me to forget Him, if i forgets Him, He wants me to remember Him, its as though, "dunt, dunt... dunt forget Me in ur heart" somtime just wonder....hmmmm "how affection u are" . He gives everyting to me.EVERYTHING.Mashallah. I want to meet u my Lord. and He rewards me with paradise for performing solats . again, i cant do solat without His permission. and solat is for myself and NOT for,if i weight carefully, ive done nothing for Him. NOTHING, oh my. for all the love and care and guidance and rewards and helps, i pay back with being a slave who thinks he owns everything at his master's place and be ungratefull. haiz,,

*back to my solat

Alhamdulillah hi robbil'aalamiin..... Mashallah,U are soooo beautifull.
Arrahmaanirrahiim....ur love is unmeasurable, i cant count every gifts u had given me.

i cant move, im soooo embarass, i dare to stand infront of U without bothering to put on kusyuk for just a short time.i felt so ashame, i used all ur stuff without weighing it. oh Lord, where can i go now? i cant face anywhere, its all urs, i cant pay all that. i tried my best not to take anyting or ask anything more but i cant, in the solat, i already asked from U Ur help. every sec in my lfe, its like U GIVE ME GIFTS WHICH I CANT STOP, and still u give me gifts till now. my sight.. my senses. my thought, my physical body, my wonderfull destiny ahead and b4.

Lord of the world, King of all kings, Forgive me of all my sins..Please God, forgive me.i want to meet U, let me meet U, please..


At December 12, 2007 at 1:16 AM , Blogger UkhT^|LaLL|qa said...



At December 12, 2007 at 2:51 AM , Blogger www said...

what a piece!
i want to thank you for putting it so elegantly,until i can connect to the importance of sholat onto oneself..and that we pay more attention to sholat and that ultimately sholat khusyukly will onli be beneficial for us...the one to lose is those doing it haphazardly...
yaah!so thanks and write more lah bro!
wallahu a'lam and


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